Nie, nie otwieraj. Wiem, że będziesz, ale proszę nie

According to the tytle, I think the non-polish speakers think already that this is something in polish.
Well, partly yes, but not.
So, you will, maybe, know this song because it was quite popular at a time.
Now, most of you too, know I have a 5 years old brother, who picked on the fact that I don’t like it, and since he saw it on tik tok again today for some algorithm weird reason, he killed my brains again with it.
Again, polish people, proszę nie naciskać tabulatora 😀 here we go

By Dia

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  1. Lol yeah, I heard about this story though.
    You’re really a genius to have known about this whole plot from a non-Polish source, as I suppose that’s how you’ve pieced all this together from.
    Congrats, 😀

  2. Yeah I can agree, that’s why I’m not that big of a fan of kids hearing it although most of them don’t get the point or the polish ones might not know about drugs hopefully (before having say 10 years old).

  3. All I have in my head, are 5 grams of coke,
    Fly away alone,
    Into the land of forget.
    That’s the meaning, and can’t say I am proud as a Polish person of how popular it was or is, as it is very primitive and encourages taking class A substances, which is one of the most stupidest and uncool things anyone could possibly glorify or romanticise.

  4. Am I the only one who doesn’t know what song this is? 😀 I mean I have two younger sisters who are fond of tiktok but I swear I have never heard this song.
    Mara, this might sound strange if you are a polish native but I’m dreaming about studying polish philology for five entire years. And in next september finally I’ll be able to do it. 😀

  5. You’re great at this then, I can tell.
    So, what about taking the similar path as me?
    I mean, I was studying Russian and decided to go for russian filology.
    So, since you’re studying Polish, what about Polish filology?

  6. Well, I always mix romanian with english, so decided to mix english with something else different today,, sorry for mistakes though, still learning 😀

  7. This stunned me right now.
    I didn’t think you could ever post something like that.
    This, at least, shows your multilingual capabilities.
    I’m multilingual too and I think I showed that when writing some commends.

  8. Yes, this Polish cow song was quite actively forced in tiktok and other places here a couple of years ago. I even heard the news that in Taiwan, a Polish woman came to the store and heard a child’s toy that was playing this song. I think those who know what the text is about will understand that she was surprised, to put it mildly :D.

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