Unpopular opinion: best friends and knowing everything about them.

So, many people think that if you have something like a best friend, you have to know everything about each other.
Sure, that would be nice, really nice, but, I find nicer that thing of learning more and more about someone/something.
I mean, not saying if, if they feel confortable with it to tell you all their trauma if they have any, or any emotional bad triggers, or something of the sort.
But, in the other aspects…well…I told you already.

By Dia

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  1. Same in my case. If you feel confortable telling me something, do it, if not, don’t simply as that.
    I mean, I have very few friends and I think if not all the vast majority know I’ll be always here no matter what, so 😀

  2. if friends are the best friends, they will know everything about eech other after some time because they will talk so much that it will go without any questions and such, so asking it is just useless because it will come to it one day and yeah

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