Dragostea din tei, from a random birthday

On Wednesday one of my cousins ​​turned 9 years old and only today we celebrate her birthday. And at a specific point we sing more songs but currently I only recorded this. You hardly can listen me, I love it xd.

Rap #2. Faraón love shady. Or is this thing rap? Well, out of ear shattering

So. What? How? Where? Give me a second, I don’t process. Now yes. OKAY. Among Spanish speakers, we have this human gem who calls himself Faraón Love Shady. Does he appreciate Eminem? I mean, because of the shady thing. I didn’t see any interview, I can’t answer you. Among his wonderful and popular titles we… Continue reading Rap #2. Faraón love shady. Or is this thing rap? Well, out of ear shattering
