
At least a week ago and at most 2, we got to talk in one class about our families, and from one conversation in another, we got to talk about parents going to work in other countries. Slowly, the topic of conversation turned into how we get along with our families, how we feel in family, and slowly it fell into parents who abandon their children.
And then a classmate started crying.
Through tears, he told us that his mother left with another guy when he was 5 years old, and his brother 8, leaving their father with them.
He said that the last time he saw her was when he was 9 years old.
Then another classmate started crying, just because she saw him crying.
At this rate, sensitive as I am, I was going to cry too, and it was quite difficult for me to really contain myself.
On the other side we had the teacher, who seemed unfazed by the fact that she saw him cry.
Sure in her entire career, according to my calculations she has to take about 20 years or more, she saw many students crying for one reason or another.
At the end of the class, I couldn’t help but hug him, and I stayed that way until the next class started, because it was difficult for him to calm down.
At the time, I had complained to a classmate, who I was closest to, and it was rare to see the extreme opposite me so close. If I’m going to hug you the first time I notice you sad, she is the opposite.
And I don’t know, I really don’t know, I wonder if there are people as weird as me in the world.
Maybe I didn’t have to hug him because to this day, he and me haven’t exchanged more than a few random words. But some impulses can’t be avoided.
Maybe I had to act like the others, and say ลžtefan be serious and calm down, but well.
And basically today he told me, out of nowhere, that he started checking his mother’s social networks out of curiosity, and inside he felt devastated again.
And I remembered.
I always said that being weird is unique and great, but in me it is the opposite xd.
Anyway, I have class I’m leaving.
I hope you didn’t read this far ๐Ÿ˜‰
Why are you still reading?

By Dia

Discover me


  1. i read it through as well. Its maybe late but i have nothing better to do so i read everything i haven’t read yet which could sound interesting

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