what is a strange fere yu have.

one of my strangest and seemingly irrational feres I have is getting trapped in something like one of those huge ass fridges/freezers where you have enough space to actually stand up and walk around in it. I’m not sure why, but its just there.


  1. know it’s been a long time, but my fear is the fear of phone calls. I constantly imagine that if I answer, I will hear the revirced voice with revirsed music, and something terrible will happen to me

  2. For me, it is the feer that when I die, my spirit stays alive, and I still think, but can’t use my body to communicate that to others. And another one: At late night, a mummy with a very deep and rough voice will enter the room. Strange, but anyway.

  3. me? I’d need to think. Hmm. I think sometimes when its late night, its not that often but sometimes i’m scared when i hear the word with sh. I don’t know the hell why, but sometimes i have that and its weired. Or what i used to have but not anymore, that someone could randomly enter the house at night and kipnap me. Or, when people shoot hunting pistols you hear even from your house. Of course, also at night.

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