You will regret hitting enter on this

This will be long, and it isn’t recommended that you waste your time reading. Sometimes I need to put my emotions somewhere, sorry.
Why do you keep reading? I told you that it isn’t recommended. But hey, humans are a constant machine of * I’m going to break this rule to see what happens and how it feels *, and in that case, why is everyone trying to create rules? Because of course, also if rules weren’t created, we would all be like animals and we would confirm Darwin’s theory, that we come from monkeys because we would create a pure jungle, but still with rules, humanity, or a certain part, is like a misunderstood jungle. They are all / we are loose in the world. We are all animals in the company of the right people. And don’t tell me that you don’t. Come on, you will more easily convince me that Shakespeare is still alive.
Sometimes I feel like I’m going crazy, that my ideas are extremely exaggerated. But it’s nice to feel like the weirdo. Because there are few people like us weirdos. And even fewer people who decide to show their weirdness.
And then we weirdos complain that we don’t have friends. Well, the art of complaining never stops being an art. I am one of the people who love to complain, if they would give it to me as a job, believe me, I would gladly accept it.
And yes, I have some creatures that I could consider friends. Weird, no? Don’t make that face please, you could be my next victim. No, I told you not to make that face anymore! Well do it, you are totally adorable. No, don’t shake your head. You’re adorable. No idea who gets to read this in case they do? You are right. But each of us is adorable in our own way.
If you’ve gotten this far, give it a like and subscribe, and activate the bell. Ah right, we are not on youtube.
I remember that time I somehow managed to hack a YouTube channel with 100 subscribers because I was bored, only to give it to I don’t know who for an ice cream. And yes, I love to eat, I am fat, something against? No thanks, I don’t need to hear that I should lose weight for my health. Trust me I’m trying. But like every human I sometimes fall into temptations. I can’t stand dieting. Don’t torture yourself, don’t make the same mistake as me and my mother. Please.
And don’t hide your feelings like me either. Because in the end you will blog on elten, and you will end up like me. I tell you because I am here writing.
Do you feel misunderstood, etc? I understand you perfectly. I know what it’s like to be the weirdo. I am a dreamer in a family of realists, which always made me seem strange and hide everything I feel and think. Or well, not everything but the vast majority of times.
If you’ve made it this far, I’m going to tell you something that I don’t want to tell anyone. I’m not going to let them know that it affects me. I don’t want them to find my weak points, it is enough with those who may know.
Although now that I think about it,what if someone reads this one day?
No, honestly I would have had enough.
Yes. I know you know I’m lying. I know you know that I would have read everything.
So I won’t say anything. Yes, I know that you, like every person, have your side of gossip. But no, not here, not today. Or maybe yes?
Thinking of random things, my first kiss was with a mirror. Do you make faces again? Well basically I once complained to one of my cousins โ€‹โ€‹that I never kissed a boy and most of all the things I should have done at my age. But at least she helped me cross one thing off the list. Who told you that mirrors can’t kiss? Please reconsider.
Maybe I’ll go tomorrow and ask that mirror to marry with me. Are you coming to my wedding? Xd.
Drastically changing the subject.
I am one of those people who doesn’t know how to live very little of an emotion. There will never be a middle point. I’ll be extremely happy, sad, or whatever. I am one of the people who cry when something sad happens in a movie, etc. But why those of us who are like this are weird? Yes, I know that the new normality is to be indifferent. To look like a stone. But it frustrates me. Anyway. I like reading more, and you will surely think ah, it doesn’t affect you. No it’s not true.
But like I said before, being weird has positive things, I suppose, or so I want to think.
And again changing the subject, because that’s the way I am, I told you not to read!
Why are those of us who are shy basically supposed to be innocent? Believe me when I tell you that the vast majority of shy people I have come across are whatever you want less innocent. But yes, some of us are nice. Not all! Obviously.
And I got sentimental, it’s one of those times when I want to hug someone for a long time, but who? Good question.
I have to deconcentrate.
I’ll tell you one thing that you can use to your advantage and that I didn’t tell anyone. You know very likely that if you start a sentence with my name, you will be able to alert me a little and get my attention. But if you put my name wherever it is, followed by an exclamation point, you will achieve the same effect but raised to infinity.
And if you want to piss me off a little, just pronounce my name as it would be pronounced in English. No, it is not pronounced like that.
You know? It is comforting to think that no one will read everything I write here. Although surely someone will one day. It already happened (hey, I’m talking about you, I know that one day you will magically see this) but I prefer to think that it will not happen.
Well, I better finish here, which is already too long.

By Dia

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  1. ok this post made me thoughtful, so thoughtful that my brain processer said me god damn it oleg, goand follow the russian warship with such thoughts, ok this girl is first who can actually, break, my, brain, breake the unbreakable, yay diana now you are an official hero

  2. I do not regret reading this one.
    Note that you sure can marry a mirror and conceive, if that mirror is someone who just honestly reflects what you do and how you appear.

  3. No, I tell you from experience that being a dreamer in a world of realists isn’t so pretty sometimes.
    Oh, will you be obnipresent?
    Ah…I didn’t say that
    I better go back to my dreams

  4. I am a half realist, half dreamer.
    I suppose I am such a centrist in all that I do, that I can’t be accepted anywhere, because I am pulled one way, but feel like I would want to experience or even be part of that other side, too.
    In the end I just am everywhere, but not in one place and the people can’t make sense of who I am, thinking I am unsubstancial or something.
    Life is a mess.

  5. Yes, the truth is that it would be very romantic of the mirror to do it, really. It would be so adorable that I would adopt all of its junior mirrors from its 274654 previous marriages

  6. I really regret hitting enter on this one, sigh.
    I regret it so much, that I had to just hit it again. That made me angry, so decided to smack control as well. While I did that, I hurt my elbow as my hand was swinging, which pissed me off to the point that I punched the printscreen, scroll lock, insert and the numeric plus key, and then the center of the keyboard with all my might. I need to calm down before I decide to chew up the space bar, so:
    If there were no rules, there would be nothing to break. We need order in order to create disorder and chaos and cross the borders that we naturally feel as people that sometimes differ from animals and sometimes not. We’re just keeping it balanced. But this is totally obvious, I’m not gonna burden this blog with my pseudo philosophical ramblings. Instead, I’m going to buy some ice-cream or rather popcorn, because a good thing about popcorn is that you can put it to a microwave, and it’s not going to do any harm, you just enjoy the popping and the delicious smell that wafts from the bag. And if you marry the mirror, don’t forget to say Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the prettiest of them all? And if it responds get your big belly off my wayo, you Dayana! You know you’re about to live a happy life full of romance and harmony.

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