Demonia’s promise.

Again, me, my music and thoughts.
I have a playlist as let’s say bipolar as I am. At any moment it can throw you a sad, romantic song, or aggressive rap.
And now it certainly surprised me with one in Romanian. I don’t have many. I generally only listen to music in English and very rarely change languages.
It’s one of those days when I don’t even understand myself. I swear everything was fine about 3 hours ago, miraculously I was in a good mood, something that happens to me very rarely.
And suddenly I fell apart.
What will have happened?
I’m going to do a little experiment. I want to see if it worked for my cousin, it will work too for me.
I have 2 cousins ​​who I am very close to and they are sisters. The youngest is 8 years old, and the older 16, and for the youngest I and her sister are very bad influences.
Now at the beginning of the year she came home with a new favorite song, therefore listening to it from me, and it’s certainly trap. Obviously in English, cucu. I’m going to take advantage of it while she only knows the very basics.
I told her mother, but she didn’t tell me leave my daughter.
In fact, she has nothing against me and her daughter being horrible influences on her other daughter.
It’s just the beginning, auntie, just the beginning.
Demonia’s promise.
OK, I’m going to pretend I’m mature again.
You know what? Better not do any experiments and I’m going to terrorize my cousin.
No, I’ll leave her alone, I’m going to sleep better.
Or to finish reading Harry Potter?
I’ll see what i do. Bye.

By Dia

Discover me


  1. I read harrry potter 2 or 3 times in Turkish, I read half of it’s first book in Azerbaijani, half of it in Russian, and I’m at the beginning of the second book in Russian, but I can’t continue, because every time there is something that destracts me (I’m referring to the internet and series here)

  2. You’re reading Harry Potter?
    I envy the magic of reading it for the first time, although I myself read it two times 😀
    I can’t anymore.
    Now coming back to other classics like The Song of Ice and Fire

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