rising from under the bridge

it’s been a year, no, a month, no, well, two of them, yeah i think.
Hi people, i don’t know for how long, but i’m back, and not that back and yeah i do have a back, but i’m back to you all, do you consider this fact happy, i think that you don’t, because i do not too, but lets move on.
Why i came here, yeah, to tell something for liten up, or for just practiss my hands in typing but whatever.
Today i had a swimming competition, and somehow i managed to wound my head while swimming, l o l that was a a painful hit to the border, yeah, i know that nine months of sleeping and no swimming could make me a swimming nube, but not to wounding my head, heh, come on, anyway i can’t form the sentences today, the same goes with text and the same goes with writing, so i will better keep being silent as usual and reading all of these 100 comments that i’ve got for some time of not being around. Hope you all like this long text line, i just forgot to press enter after eech sentence and i’m sorry for such mistake.
Lets say about your most stupid incidents in the life below! *here should be a waving smile, lets pretend that it’s there and definitely not here*


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