Alohaaaaa, another contributor, or well, this time 2.

What’s up people?
Yes, if you ask me if I add you here, or if you seem cool and trustworthy and we end up talking about blogs, there is a 90% chance that you will end up here.
There’s a list of few persons I’d bring here too, but no idea how to tell them, so they might not.
The last time I brought a person here being BlindTechProductions who doesn’t say anything else than comment, I had complained that I’m the only girl between 2 guys. Not this time.
Yes, dear random internet people, I brought a girl!
But also one more boy but hey, we are 2 girls!
But it’s the least of it, say hello to satsuna422 and Oleg-the-snowman.
And remember, if you want to end up contributing here, it’s not hard to convince me 😛

By Dia

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