Is it just me or do you also had that one day

So and with this i’m going to start of. Probably some nonsensical thingy and i hope this is the right category to put this in, but let’s just mix up our lives, sounds interesting since i’m probably more more nonsensical as Diana thinks she is. Anyway back to topic then. Certain things happened which happened earlyer, and i feel like in a way they happen again and you feel like you timetravvle back but in a more dumm way. I feel like more and more losing contact to people, the weather gets bad like it was a few months ago, at least in this week, and much more i won’t go into detail. Hope its only this 1 week of a nightmare lol. And about the contact part, how to explain. Am in a new school for like, let’s say 5 months. In between these times i got a bit closer time by time to my crush, i made a friendship with someone in my class, with a girl from another grade, but the contact to her for some reason goes away since she’s not replying to my messages anymore and i couldn’t find her this week and in the last one i’ve been partly sick. I still have this cold. In my first holidays which were in februrary i told my crush my feelings. Was maybe to early but you can probably guess the result. Not into the topic and bla, dot dot dot i could go on here. The point is now i have a cold again and even though i physically see her i feel like i get disconnected from her emotionally. Its just the way it is, hard to explain. She’s with many people in class at ones and that can be quite normal in norwegian class’s i believe but yeah,arg the point is i feel like things are happening again which shouldn’t, or that things reverse although time continues going. Hope i’m not going to lose contact to this friend and more people. It feels creepy. Hope this week is over, am probably not capible of this one, just doesn’t feels right and i have a bad feeling. With all that said, thanks for reading until now, which is quite a form of art if you ask me since my stuff may sound nonsensical. Good evening, night and when or where ever you read this. Morning, afternoon, etc.


  1. The cycle of life repeats itself as Nebuchadnezzar/Nabucodonosor, my imaginary childhood friend, would say 😛
    Tomorrow is Friday 13 so…
    But on the other hand, love is *insert uninteligible spam*.
    There are 2 extremes, and a middle point.
    1. You are happier than when you are high.
    2. You suffer from emotional death.
    The middle point would be peace.
    It doesn’t hurt, you’re calm.
    All can be ok, or you’re not interested in dating.
    And there are still moments in life when it seems that everything repeats itself.
    But you have to find the turning point.
    Something that breaks the routine that life throws at you.
    Although the routine can be a nice and cool thing sometimes, but when it hurts, you have to change it.
    Of course, if you don’t enjoy the pain. If you enjoy it, be happy 🙂

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