I honestly don’t know what to put here

OK hi.
Time to confess my sins.
*Clears throat*
What do we start with?
No. Seriously now.
Today I was speaking with the voice in my head and it made me reflect on many things.
You know. That annoying voice that you want to make disappear but it’s not a good idea to cut your head off either.
I was thinking about how supposedly normal people act.
And I always say that being normal is overrated. In fact, I’ve already managed to annoy a lot of people with my phrase, but if you start to analyze me, I’m sure I look like the stereotype of a 13-year-old.
Speaking of that. Why exactly 13? Well I have to admit that at that age I was super immature at least. I mean, a lot more than now, if you can imagine.
I had written a romance between Hitler and Trump in Chinese with google translate and put it back in Romanian and then English and then made a fake email, connected with vpn and sent it to I don’t remember what troll that had left their mail on public.
And no. I don’t have that anymore.
Do you want me to tell more embarrasing thinks that no one knows?
Well no 😛 I wont.
But more than likely there are 13-year-olds who are quite mature.
I know that when I was 13 I was frustrated when they said that 13-year-olds are immature, although now that I look at it with perspective, I was.
And the truth is that I still am.
And as I told a friend today. There is nothing wrong with being immature if you don’t exaggerate.
And finaly. What stupid things did you do as an immature person/child/teenager?
Do you still have your immature side?

By Dia

Discover me


  1. even if you’re an adult you can’t be always mature. You have 1 side that isn’t. I mean, adults are actually serious, and not, well, they don’t have the thing anymore you have as child, dk how to explain. You won’t have an adult as friend, rather a child. Maybe its just they have different things they do or something. But adults are never. And i say, never. Perfect. and i’m sure everyone has their mature and more, well, grown? side.

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